Reed Options
We have several different reed options, as well as contrabassoon reeds and reed accessories. Select your style of reed from the following choices and buy at the Order Reeds link above:
Style A: color - red
I use Style A reeds for most of my playing. A relaxed embouchure works best with this type of reed. |
Style B: color - black
For those who prefer more embouchure control and more cane in their reed I make Style B. Style B has a wider tip and thicker profile. |
Style C: color - black & red
Style C has the same profile as B but I cut the length one millimeter shorter before finishing. The embouchure pressure required is between the A and B reeds. |
Style D: color - black & white
Style D reed has the Rieger 1A shape but the style A profile and wire dimensions. This reed is for those who like the style A profile but want a little wider reed. |
Style R : color - red and white
Style R is the popular Rieger 1a shape now made from Clark Bassoon Reed gouged, shaped and profiled cane that is formed and finished by Dr. Clark. |
New! Style SP (Stephen Paulson) color - red, black and white Working closely with Stephen Paulson, principal bassoonist of the San Francisco Symphony, I designed this reed style to meet the demands of the principal player, specifically, to keep the pitch higher in the tenor range of the bassoon while maintaining resonance and response throughout the range. The shape is a Mechler type, the profile slightly thicker than my style A, wire placements like the A, and tip profile template #6 from my tip profiler by Giorgio Versiglia. The tip of this reed is narrower than any of my previous reed shapes. |
New! Style I (Italian) Reed
The new Style I (Italian) reed has a longer blade than my other reed styles. The length of the is about 30 mm but varies slightly as I cut as little off the tip of this reed as possible. The shape is Rieger 1a but the tip is wider than my other styles because the tip is at the widest part of the shape. There is little to no collar on this reed. The blades are also thicker than my other profiles. Because of the length of the blade the second wire is placed close (5mm) to the first wire as is the practice of some Italian makers. However, I wrap my reed all the way to the second wire for stability of the tube. |
Reed Case
Though these cases are vented, I always recommend that my students take their reed cases out of their bassoon case every night. I also suggest they open the reed case and leave it on their bureau so that the reeds can dry properly. Allowing the reeds to dry in this manner, and rotating the use of reeds, will greatly increase their life. Many bassoonists prefer the mandrel pins in their reed case to help the reed maintain its rounded tube. Shipping tubes are not intended to be used as reed cases. Every bassoonist needs a reed case for proper protection and storage of their reeds. Though these cases are vented, I always recommend that my students take their reed cases out of their bassoon case every night. I also suggest they open the reed case and leave it on their bureau so that the reeds can dry properly. Allowing the reeds to dry in this manner, and rotating the use of reeds, will greatly increase their life. |
Style A, D and SP: From butt to first wire is 25mm, second wire is 16 mm, third wire is 5mm, and from first wire to tip is 28mm.
Style B: From butt to first wire is 27mm, second wire is 18 mm, third wire is 5mm, and from first wire to tip is 30mm.
Style C and Style R: From butt to first wire is 27mm, second wire is 18mm, third wire is 5mm, and from first wire to tip is 29mm.
The only dimension that I vary occasionally is the tip may be cut a little shorter depending on the softness of the cane.
Style A, D and SP: From butt to first wire is 25mm, second wire is 16 mm, third wire is 5mm, and from first wire to tip is 28mm.
Style B: From butt to first wire is 27mm, second wire is 18 mm, third wire is 5mm, and from first wire to tip is 30mm.
Style C and Style R: From butt to first wire is 27mm, second wire is 18mm, third wire is 5mm, and from first wire to tip is 29mm.
The only dimension that I vary occasionally is the tip may be cut a little shorter depending on the softness of the cane.